Dead leaves.
Vinyl floor surfacing
disabled toilet facilities.
Bark mulch,
dead leaves.
Tarmac with aggregate chippings,
mixed conifer needles
dead leaves.
Concrete paving slabs,
mixed conifer needles
dead leaves.
dead leaves.
dead leaves.
Loose gravel chippings,
plastic pot
clay pot.
Natural stone paving slabs
loose gravel.
Bark mulch,
black plastic label for a plant
dead leaves.
Dead leaves.
dead leaves.
Bound gravel path,
black plastic label for a plant
dead leaves.
Tarmac with aggregate chippings,
metal drain cover,
dead leaves.
loose stones.
Dead leaves.
Red concrete brick paviors,
buff concrete brick wall,
stainless steel tap,
dead leaves and water.
Bark mulch,
dead leaves
dead leaves.
Dead leaves.
HEDERA HELIX ground cover underneath canopy of HAMAMELIS MOLLIS. Dead leaves. Vinyl floor surfacing and disabled toilet facilities. Amenity GRASS (mixed species) and BELLIS PERENNIS. Bark mulch, soil and dead leaves. Amenity GRASS (mixed species)and MOSS es (species unknown). Tarmac, Tarmac with aggregate chippings, soil, mixed conifer needles and dead leaves. GERANIUM (species unknown), TAXUS BACCATA, mixed MOSS es (species unknown) and mixed HERBACEOUS SEEDLING s (species unknown). Concrete paving slabs, mixed CONIFER needles and dead leaves. Amenity GRASS (mixed species). Soil, twigs and dead leaves. Amenity GRASS (mixed species) under the canopy of POPULUS LASIOCARPA. Soil and dead leaves. Ornamental PLANT s (species unknown), mixed MOSS es (species unknown), mixed GRASS es (species unknown) and mixed herbaceous seedlings (species unknown). Loose gravel chippings, plastic pot and clay pot. Mixed MOSS es (species unknown), POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA, and ECHINOSPARTUM HORRIDUM. Natural stone paving slabs and loose gravel. MOSS (species unknown). Bark mulch, black plastic label for a plant (NELLIA THYRSIFLORA), soil and dead leaves. ROSA (species unknown) Dead leaves. PRIMULA PROLIFERA. Soil and dead leaves. COTONEASTER APICULATUS. Bound gravel path, black plastic label for plant and dead leaves. Amenity GRASS (mixed species). Tarmac with aggregate chippings and metal drain cover, soil, twigs and dead leaves. ACER PLANANOIDES, MOSS (species unknown), ALGAE (species unknown) and LICHEN (species unknown). Soil and loose stones. RHODODENDRON CAMPANULATUM. Dead leaves. JUNCUS (species unknown), Mixed MOSS es (species unknown), mixed GRASS es (species unknown), LEMNA MINOR and ALGAE (species unknown). Red concrete brick paviors, buff concrete brick wall, stainless steel tap, dead leaves and water. Mixed MOSS es (species unknown), mixed GRASS es (species unknown), under the canopy of the LITHOCARPUS DENSIFLORUS. Bark mulch, dead leaves twigs and soil. Moss (species unknown) under the canopy of ILEX x ALTACLERNIS. Soil, twigs and dead leaves. PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS. Dead leaves.
Amenity grass (mixed species)
Amenity grass (mixed species)
Amenity grass (mixed species)
Amenity grass (mixed species)
mixed grasses (species unknown)
Amenity grass (mixed species)
mixed grasses (species unknown)
mixed grasses (species unknown)
Mosses (species unknown)
mixed mosses (species unknown)
mixed Mosses (species unknown)
Mixed Mosses (species unknown)
Moss (species unknown)
Moss (species unknown)
Mixed Mosses (species unknown)
Moss (species unknown)
Mixed Mosses (species unknown)
Mixed herbaceous seedlings (species unknown)
mixed herbaceous seedlings (species unknown)
Potted ornamental plants (species unknown)
Acer platanoides
Algae (species unknown)
Algae (species unknown)
Bellis perennis
Cotoneaster apiculatus
Echinospartum horridum
Geranium (species unknown)
Hamamelis mollis
Hedera helix
Ilex x altaclerensis
Juncus (species unknown)
Lemna minor
Lichen (species unknown)
Lithocarpus densiflorus
Pachysandra terminalis
Populus lasiocarpa
Potentilla fruticosa
Primula prolifera
Rhododendron campanulatum
Rosa (species unknown)
Taxus baccata
Dead leaves. dead leaves. dead leaves. dead leaves. dead leaves. dead leaves. dead leaves. Dead leaves. dead leaves. dead leaves. dead leaves. Dead leaves. dead leaves dead leaves. dead leaves Dead leaves.
soil soil, Soil, Soil Soil soil soil, Soil soil. Soil,
twigs twigs twigs twigs
Bark mulch, Bark mulch, Bark mulch,
mixed conifer needles mixed conifer needles
black plastic label for a plant black plastic label for a plant
Tarmac with aggregate chippings, Tarmac with aggregate chippings, Tarmac,
Loose gravel chippings, loose gravel.
Bound gravel path,
Natural stone paving slabs
Vinyl floor surfacing