elise campbell
Salt Sea Water
Piran, Slovenia 2009

Materials: Mirror tiles, paint, gold paint

A series of temporary installations and interventions situated around the fishing town of Piran, Slovenia, which explore the town’s historical and celebrated relationship with the extraction of salt from the Adriatic Sea. A complementary series of works respond to a network of watercourse systems, some hidden and others visible, which are integrated within the urban morphology.

The works were the output of a one week residency in the diminutive and picturesque town of Piran, which is located within the peninsula of Istra, a small coastal region of Slovenia that lies between Italy and Croatia.

The cubic form is a response to the isometric shape of a salt crystal and also echoes the strict geometries of the nearby The Secovlje Saltpans. Reflective qualities of water and the presence of metallic details found at points around the town where water was out of sight, informed the materiality of the work.